Turn your X10 Families to Wireless Router

It’s amazing to have your android rooted device to be a wireless router for your other gadgets like ipod touch, notebooks, or maybe other mobile phones. It’s very easy, you just root your x10 devices before installing the application. This wireless router method used your phone data connection like 3G, HSDPA, GPRS and share it with wifi as adhoc.

Let’s follow the instruction :

1. You first should root your android phone. Follow my articles –> Rooting your X10 Families

2. There is so much application to make your android device to be a wireless router.

    a. Barnacle Wifi Tether

Turn your phone into a Wireless Ad-hoc HotSpot
Share your 3G with Windows, Mac/iPod/iPad, Linux, Xbox
Requires __ROOT__ access
Barnacle is unlimited, free and open source. If you like it, please donate by getting Barnacle Widget!



    b. Wireless Tether for root user


*** If you get force closes after the update uninstall and install it again! ***
This program enables wifi AND bluetooth-tethering (PAN) for "rooted" handsets.
Clients (your laptop for example) can connect via wifi or bluetooth and get access to the internet using the mobile connection (4G, 3G, 2G) or (in case you are using bluetooth) the wifi connection which is established by the handset.
Wifi-tethering creates a so called adhoc (peer-to-peer) network on most devices. Infrastructure-mode is suppported for some devices – including the HTC Evo for instance.
-) Access-control feature. Allow/deny clients to use your mobile-data connection.
-) Wifi-Encrytion. 128-bit WEP in general. WPA2 on supported devices.
-) Reduce wifi-transmit power (on supported devices)
-) Settings for wifi-ssid, wifi-channel, „lan“-network and more.
This application requires a "rooted"-device and a custom-kernel which supports netfilter (iptables)!
1) Root
2) Netfilter-enabled kernel
For more information visit our developer-site on google-code:
Use this application at your own risk. It is possible that use of this program may violate your carrier’s Terms of Service.
Recent changes:
-) Adds infrastructure-support for the HTC Evo and other HTC-devices (Broadcom bcm4329-chipset).
-) Should work on almost every rooted device (the built-in wifi-interface needs to support the so called „wireless extension“) if a „netfilter-enabeld“ kernel is present.
-) Reduce wifi-transmit power (on wifi-interfaces supporting the „wireless extension“).

I myself use Barnacle wifi tether for my own X10 Mini Pro. Just remember to have a data connection and I mean a good data connection and unlimited data connection before using this program. Enjoy your new wifi router. Cheers CMIIW

15 thoughts on “Turn your X10 Families to Wireless Router

  1. jannisha says:

    saya sedang mencari hp yang pas dengan saya dan kebetulan xperia x10 mini pro termasuk ke dalam kategori list saya. tapi saat saya googling katanya xperia x10 mini pro itu boros baterai dan cepat rusak, apakah itu benar? menurut anda sebagai pemakai bagaimana? apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangannya? terimakasih 🙂

    • simiancreased says:

      kalo boros batere sih semua hape android didesain hanya bisa bertahan dengan 1 hari saja. Paling lebih bbrp jam. Nah kalo cepat rusak itu baru yang saya dengar. Kalo saya sih sebagai pemakai aman2 aja. Malah saya uda oprek2 berulang2 untuk install sana sini. Masih works just fine.

      Kelebihannya : android OS, Banyak aplikasi yang bisa didownload di market, Harga x10 mini pro sudah murah dengan kamera 5 MP dan fitur lengkap, ada dedicated keyboard.

      kekurangan : Android versi 2.1 eclair yang belum ada harapan untuk bisa diupgrade lagi. Layar kecil, tapi gak masalah buat saya (hanya bbrp aplikasi masih ada yang gak kompatibel)

      Menurut saya ini hape values a lot. Worth a gold untuk harga yang sedemikian rupa. Yah kalo mau beli diatasnya, coba cari HTC Product = Desire HD atau Desire Z. CMIIW

      • wahyu says:

        ane baru punya x10 mini pro ne, ga baru ci.
        v batre’y koq boros bgt ya, pdhl msih ori…..
        n pdhl jg ga buka internet jg boros…
        tolong solusi’y ya gan…….

    • simiancreased says:

      I’m sorry, I’ve never used netfilter before. I’ll have it reviewed once it enabled in mine. Thanks for your information 😀

  2. budir says:

    hi.. i’ve already root my x10 MP, and install barnacle..
    my ipod can detect it.. but can’t browse ..
    something wrong??
    for information:
    i use 2.1.1.A.0.6 root with SOC

    please help me…

    • budir says:

      oww… maaf.. suhu orang indo ya?? pake bhs indo aja deh.. hehehehe.. mohon bantuan ya gan.. dah mentok nih.. ama solusi buat offline gps nya…

    • simiancreased says:

      Hmm untuk masalah ini sih seharusnya bisa langsung jalan ya bro.
      Coba sebelum koneksi device lain ke soner, anda jalankan dulu gprs serta yang lainnya dan coba buka website dari sonernya.
      Jika jalan normal dari sonernya dan koneksi internetnya oke, seharusnya sih sudah tidak ada masalah perangkat lain konek ke soner via router. Saya harap hanya masalah koneksi gprs aja 😀

  3. Alex says:

    Why is the majority of the comment, not in English… >.<… lol

    What would I do without Google Translate….?

    (unfortunately I'm too lazy too post all the comments into it… "/…)

    • simiancreased says:

      I’m sorry sir, some of my reader are from my own country, Indonesia. But my post mostly in English.
      Thanks for commenting,


  4. aku tertarik deh ama ini.. tpi belum ngerti sbenernya ini apa gitu..??
    jadi,, hape kita bsa jdi “pemancar” wifi buat gadget lain gitu?? bener gak??
    ak gak pinter english sii jad gak mudeng penjelasannya.. -_-

    • simiancreased says:

      betul, ini untuk mengubah hape kita menjadi pemancar wifi, dengan gprs ato 3g yang ada di hape, nah hape dijadikan wifi dan bisa dikonek oleh device lain untuk koneksi internet. Semoga membantu penjelasan.


  5. isha says:

    kenapa ya, kok x10 mini pro punya saya blm bisa bt kirim MMS? padahal udah saya setting manual. mohon solusinya, terimakasih..

    • simiancreased says:

      Hi isha,

      Untuk setting mms itu tergantuk provider. Bisa langsung tanyakan ke provider terkait untuk settingnya.


  6. mw nanya ne gan…ini app kan hanya untu andro yang dah di root…nah hp dah ane root n aplikasi ini dah ane jalanin…permasalahannya gan skarang Hp ane gak bisa conect ke wifi…ada saran gan….

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